Become a Sponsor!
Check out our amazing sponsorship opportunities! Join our organization in our mission to feed every homebound senior in Spokane County. Our comprehensive sponsorship tiers will allow your organization to support a great cause and get beneficial acknowledgement in our community.
Sponsorship Levels
Select the best sponsorship level that aligns with your company's marketing needs and commitment level:
King of the Road
Our most exclusive and comprehensive Sponsorship Level
Banner with logo displayed at all pit stop locations
5 minute introduction at all pit stops
Resource table space for company at all pit stop locations including kickoff/awards
5 minutes to talk about your business at awards ceremony
Free registration to participate for 2 teams
Acknowledgement in event program
Article in Meals on Wheels client & volunteer newsletters
Logo on website and all promotional material including merchandise
Acknowledgement on social media
Comprehensive Sponsorship Level
Resource table space for company at all pit stop locations including kickoff/awards
Mention at awards ceremony
Free registration for event participation for one team
Acknowledgement in event program
Logo on website and social media
Choice of 2 pit stop locations to display banner
Choice of 2 pit stops to include 3 minute sponsor introduction